Sep 24, 2021 • Blog

Which Marketing Software is Best: What to Ask Before You Buy

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As a technology supplier, we’ve been asked all sorts of questions. We’ve made a list of what questions so you can determine which marketing software is best for you - no matter what you're choosing to buy. 

which marketing software is best lego man

What’s the implementation speed & maintenance development time?

Suppliers should give you an accurate timeline for setup. You’ll need to explain how much development time and resources are available so that they give the best possible estimate. Implementation will depend on how much time your team has to spare and if they will require any training to begin. Check how much more manpower is required to keep the cogs moving once it’s up and running too. You don’t want to realise you can’t maintain your new software!

At this point you should ask if there are any tricks they know for speeding up the project. We've had experience of implementing our API in two days, whereas other companies prefer to do a full web redesign! 

Suppliers see the most common mistakes made by users in the past and can make recommendations. Check if there’s any third party software that would compliment your project too.

How can we measure benefits?

To hit the ground running you need to make sure that you can measure the success of your shiny piece of technology. Ask for how your supplier’s other clients have measured this in the past and what you’d recommend. I’m a big believer that if it’s beneficial, it’s measurable.

Who’s your competition? 

Everyone has competition so don’t be afraid to address the elephant in the room. Ask them who they think their competition is and why they’re different. It’s a great way for you to see how they position themselves and to pitch their USPs – and don’t take ‘we have no competition’ as an answer!

All suppliers should be able to explain who does something similar because it’s their time to show why they’re the best choice. Once you hear their case there’s nothing stopping you checking it from the competitor’s perspective.

What’s the ROI? 

Ask them what they consider to a good ROI and what timeline they’d expect to deliver that. If it seems risky from your side you need to see what can be done to ease this – whether that’s a discount or a non-financial incentive.

Are there any best practices for us? 

Ask for recommendations from your supplier on how to best market the new technology – does it scream for a change in the UX, content or social media plan? Suppliers should know what their past clients have done marketing-wise. They should be able to give great examples of how to hit the ground running. Ask “If you had to, how would you market it?” to see if there are any angles that would be a good starting point.

Can I speak to current clients?

If the tech works, there should be no reason why suppliers won’t open up communication channels between current and potential clients. If its possible, ask if you can call one of their clients so you get an unbiased review. If it’s not possible they can still give video and written testimonials. 

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