Sep 24, 2021 • Blog

Drawing a Travel Time Geodistance: Isochrone Maps for Driving & More

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If you're looking to create isochrones, you can use the TravelTime Isochrone API to do so. With the TravelTime Isochrone API, you can create isochrones for any mode of transport.

In one API call you can generate a travel time polygon, filter points of interest by travel time and generate A to B routes.

You can use isochrones on your website or app to allow users to see the locations they can get to within their preferred travel time.

Why replace geodistance queries with isochrones

Geodistance typically relates to a radius circle. However, a distance radius doesn't give an accurate view of where you can travel within a specified time. This is because it assumes we travel 'as the crow flies' and doesn't take into account transport networks and local geography.

Which is why isochrones are a better and more accurate alternative.

Isochrones show all locations reachable within a specified travel time from a point of origin. In the example it displays all reachable locations from Central London within 45 minutes using public transport at 6pm on a Wednesday evening:

This image was created using our free travel time map app. However, you can create more complex isochrones with the TravelTime Isochrone API.

In order to generate this shape the API needs:

  1. An arrival / departure time
  2. A mode of transport
  3. A point of origin
  4. The maximum travel time

Arrival / Departure time

The example below is an isochrone map assuming the user needs to arrive at 6pm rather than depart at this time – similar to how the standard ‘near me’ search works. Switching to arrival time would change this shape as the example below shows.

Use case for generating maps with an arrival time: someone searching for a new job can see which locations are reachable within a 1 hour commute if they were to arrive at 9am. It assumes the user can depart from the point of origin up to 1 hour before their specified arrival time.

Use case for drawing maps with a departure time: a supermarket can set up a geofence area within 10 minutes drive of a store. This will push a message to any customers with the app, alerting them to any local offers.

Mode of transport

When using the TravelTime API you can choose from:

  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Driving
  • Public transport (including train, bus, tube/metro/subway)
  • Coach
  • Ferry
  • As well as combining modes such as driving and train or cycling and ferry

Point of origin / interest

The API can create isochrones assuming there is more than one point of origin. When there is more than one point of origin, isochrone map layers can:

1. Display two separate isochrones


2. Merge the two shapes together (as a union)


3. Highlight the intersecting area


Create isochrones with the TravelTime Isochrone API

Isochrones are a useful way to show where’s reachable within a time limit. They can  help to make better decisions when it comes to locations, whether it’s helping your website visitors see the best areas to buy a property or performing location analysis to determine the best location for a new site.

To learn more about creating isochrones with TravelTime, check out our documentation or sign up for a free API key.

Visualise locations like never before.
Transform journey time data into an unlimited number of dynamic isochrones maps every month, for one fixed price.
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Build travel time polygons and catchment areas with the TravelTime API.

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