Sep 24, 2021 • Blog

10 Conversion Rate Tools to Get Better Conversions

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The alternative conversion rate optimisation list

This is not another blog telling you about the importance of A/B testing, site monitoring, and analysis. There are many excellent blogs out there that already cover this topic (we recommend Kissmetrics). This blog is for those looking for new and interesting ways of increasing conversion rates using different tools and tech. We’ve mixed different technologies, so whether your site’s goal is to generate revenue via an e-commerce page or to generate leads, we have something for you. Here's 10 new ways to increase conversion rates online.   

Every conversion rate tool on this list falls into one, or both, of these categories:

  1. Personalising the customer experience: delivering the most relevant information the customer.
  2. Optimising the customer’s web experience: making the site as easy as possible to navigate and use.

Forward-thinking chat bots

Is this the live chat of the future? Many seem to think so. Venture Beat reported conversion rates from chat bots as high as 10%.

Try: Get ahead of the crowd with Pandora Bots.


Clever travel time search

For websites that offer a location-based search, time-based searching delivers more relevant results to the user than miles radius based searching. Unlike distance searching, which calculates whether a result is relevant based on the straight line distance, time-based search only shows results that are easy to reach in minutes. Read more about site search conversions here

Try: TravelTime (created by us at TravelTime) – it’s tried and tested on property websites, tourism sites and recruitment sites. Conversion rates increase up to 300%.



Personalised chat

Before making a purchase 77% of online shoppers want to be able to contact a real person. Give potential customers the opportunity to ask any questions they have before purchase to minimise bounce rates.

Try: Live Chat – it’s tried and tested by us at TravelTime and very simple to install.


Community-building customer reviews

According to an iPerceptions report, customers are 63% more likely to make a purchase from a site that has user reviews. Harness the power of word of mouth by displaying customer reviews on your product pages.

Try: Trustpilot creates a community on your site that enables customers to share their feedback so others can read 3rd party reviews before buying.


Essential web performance improvements

Page loading speeds are incredibly important to ensure users can get the information they need as quickly as possible. It’s estimated that a 1 second delay in page response leads to a 7% reduction in conversions so it’s important that the site is fast.

Try: Users expect super-fast loading speeds so it’s important not to lose customers because your website doesn’t load in time. web performance optimisation provider Akamai has a range of services including their dynamic site accelerator.


Stand out CTAs

Is there something that you need your web traffic to see? Perhaps you need to drive traffic to a blog post, increase newsletter sign ups or webinar attendees. If so you can add an easy to spot form at the top of your page, so that users won’t miss it.

Try: SumoMe have a great range of CTAs that can be added to a site to remind customers to perform an action.


Powerful site search

Adding a high-performing site search ensures that visitors can track down exactly what they’re looking for straight away. Reduce the amount of frustrated customers that bounce off the page with a tailored search tool. Read our blog on increasing conversions using site search here.  

Try: Services such as Swiftype have reported significant increases in conversion rates.


Tailored product recommendations

Whether you’re looking to upsell or suggest products to an undecided customer, recommendations are a great conversion boosting e-commerce tool.

Try: Barilliance found that users that click on recommendations convert at a 5.5% higher e-commerce conversion rate – check out their personalised product recommendation tool.


Quick set-up product videos

Research says that after watching a product video, viewers are up to 85% more likely to buy a product. But video production can be very resource heavy – both time and money and for those starting out, it can seem like a big expense.

Try: for those just starting to test out the waters with video try Wideo it helps businesses create short videos without the need of an animator or video editing specialist.


Engaging surveys

Kissmetrics suggest that giving customers the opportunity to interact with your website can boost conversions by 30%. Try out opinion polls or quick quizzes to get users clicking.

Try: Typeform is a front runner in the engaging survey tool category. The completion rate average is 57%, which is significantly higher than other forms that range from 3-28% average completion rate.


Learn more

Take a look at our industry spotlights for site search:

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